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National Immunization Month: Protecting Our Little Ones

Saban Services

August 1, 2024

Immunization Month

According to the CDC, August marks National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM),”an annual observance held in August to highlight the importance of vaccination for people of all ages … [It’s important to] help raise awareness about the importance of vaccination and encourage people to talk to a healthcare provider they trust about staying up to date on their vaccinations.” At Saban Community Clinic, we recognize NIAM as an opportunity to highlight the importance of immunizations in safeguarding the health of our youngest community members.

Why are Immunizations Important for Children?

Immunizations are vital for protecting children from potentially serious diseases, some of which can be life-threatening or cause long-term health complications if contracted at a young age when the immune system is still developing.

Well-child visits, also known as checkups, are essential appointments designed to monitor your child’s growth, development, and overall health from infancy through adolescence. These visits provide an opportunity to discuss any concerns or questions you have about your child’s well-being with their pediatrician.

Ensuring regular well-child visits is crucial for maintaining your child’s health. Here’s a recommended schedule of visits by age:

  • Newborn (3-5 days old)
  • One Month
  • Two Months
  • Four Months
  • Six Months
  • Nine Months
  • 12 Months
  • 15 Months
  • 18 Months
  • 24 Months
  • 30 Months
  • Yearly visits from 3 to 18 years old

What are the Benefits of immunizations? 

Immunizations offer several benefits beyond individual protection:

  • Disease Prevention: Vaccines are effective in preventing diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough, and more.
  • Community Protection: High vaccination rates create herd immunity, reducing the spread of diseases and protecting those who cannot be vaccinated due to medical reasons.
  • Safe and Effective: Vaccines undergo rigorous testing before being approved for use, ensuring they are safe and effective.

What Should Parents ask their Child’s Pediatrician about Immunizations? 

Before a child receives any vaccines, it’s essential for a parent to discuss the following with their child’s pediatrician:

  • Which vaccines are recommended and at what age?
  • What are the potential side effects or risks associated with each immunization?
  • How can I manage any discomfort my child may experience after immunization?
  • Where can I access my child’s immunization records?

How can Parents Best Prepare for a Child to Receive Immunizations?

Getting a child ready for immunizations can be challenging. To help ease any anxiety and ensure a smooth experience:

  • Schedule the Appointment: Contact Saban Community Clinic to schedule an immunization visit, and speak with a pediatrician. 
  • Review Health Records: Bring your child’s health record to the appointment to ensure all vaccinations are up-to-date.
  • Comfort Measures: Bring a favorite toy or comfort item to help distract and soothe your child during the visit.

Saban Community Clinic’s Support

At Saban Community Clinic, we are committed to providing comprehensive pediatric care, including immunizations, to ensure the health and well-being of your child. Our pediatricians are here to answer your questions, address concerns, and support you in making informed decisions about your child’s health.

National Immunization Awareness Month serves as a reminder of the importance of vaccinations in protecting children from preventable diseases. By staying informed about recommended vaccines and maintaining regular well-child visits, you play a vital role in ensuring the health of your child and the broader community. If you have any questions about immunizations or need to schedule a well-child visit, contact Saban Community Clinic today—we’re here to help protect your little one(s). 

About Saban Community Clinic:

As a Federally Qualified Health Center, Saban Community Clinic supports more than 145,000 annual patient visits from low-income and uninsured men, women, and children each year. Our five health centers and mobile clinic, located in the Los Angeles and West Hollywood areas, provide affordable access to quality medical, dental, and behavioral health services. For more information, visit

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